Friday, December 3, 2010

Mexico percent tree cover

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Hansen, M., Potapov, P. - South Dakota State University - project site
Based on the Vegetation Continuous Field layers developed as part of the MODIS standard land product suite, we have implemented a Landsat-based VCF of percent tree crown cover for Mexico. This prototype product was created principally from 4 years of input data to overcome data gaps found in any individual year. Landsat ETM+ from 2000 to 2004 were the primary inputs. Data from the Mexico National Forest Inventory were made available for algorithm calibration and validation. Combined with the Google Earth Engine computing capability, this map was produced in less than one week and represents an advance in large-scale processing of moderate spatial resolution data for forest cover monitoring. The same method has been applied for the United States as part of the WELD project. For the MODIS implementation, please refer to Hansen et al. Earth Interactions, 2003. For the Landsat implementation, please refer to Hansen et al., Remote Sensing Letters, 2010.

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